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Specialist Subjects

At Glengarry Primary School, we are empowered learners and respectful community members who embrace challenge and celebrate growth

Kitchen Garden

At Glengarry Primary School, we believe in fostering a love for nature, sustainability, and healthy eating habits from a young age. Our Kitchen Garden Program is designed to inspire and educate our students about the joys of growing, harvesting, and cooking fresh, seasonal produce.
Through hands-on experiences in our school garden, students learn valuable skills such as planting, nurturing plants, composting, and harvesting. They gain an understanding of where their food comes from and the importance of sustainable practices in agriculture.
We guide students through every step of the gardening process, encouraging curiosity, creativity, and teamwork along the way. Whether they’re planting seeds, weeding beds, or harvesting vegetables, students are actively engaged in meaningful outdoor learning experiences.
In addition to gardening, our Kitchen Garden Program includes cooking sessions where students get to transform the fruits of their labour into delicious and nutritious meals. Students learn basic cooking techniques, explore new flavours, and develop a deeper appreciation for wholesome food.
The benefits of our Kitchen Garden Program extend beyond the garden and kitchen. Research shows that hands-on gardening experiences improve academic performance, physical health, and social-emotional well-being. By connecting with nature and food in meaningful ways, our students develop a lifelong passion for healthy living and environmental stewardship.

Physical Education

At Glengarry Primary School, we recognize the importance of physical activity in promoting overall health, well-being, and academic success. Our Physical Education (PE) program is designed to inspire and empower students to lead active lifestyles, develop fundamental movement skills, and foster a lifelong appreciation for fitness and sport.

Our Physical Education program focuses on the acquisition and refinement of a broad range of movement skills and sports. There are opportunities for students to participate in district sports including athletics and team sports.

A comprehensive swimming program and surf safety program is offered across the school. Students develop skills and dispositions necessary for lifelong participation in physical activities.


Through the Visual Art program students will be exposed to the following areas of art education: painting, drawing, printing, collage, textiles, modelling and construction. Students will also explore the elements of art: line, shape, space, colour, form, value and texture.
They have the opportunity to explore different mediums, make decisions, problem solve, experience challenges, interact with their peers, appreciate and respond to famous art works and those of others, along with continual self-evaluation. Students constantly build on their self-confidence and develop their creative thinking throughout their journey in the Visual Arts program.

Performing arts take priority within a two year cycle, culminating in a school concert or theatrical production.


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is at the forefront of preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. At Glengarry Primary School, we are committed to providing a dynamic and engaging STEM learning experience that inspires curiosity, fosters creativity, and develops critical thinking skills.
Through our STEM Program, we aim to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and innovators. We encourage students to dream big, think creatively, and embrace the endless possibilities of STEM education.