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At Glengarry Primary School, we are empowered learners and respectful community members who embrace challenge and celebrate growth

There are many different ways that we communicate with our families and school community at Glengarry Primary School. Each of our different communication methods are listed below, with a brief explanation as to the purpose and frequency of each.

School Newsletters

A school publication is produced regularly and made available to parents through Compass and published on our website. These newsletters contain important information such as:


Our school uses Compass School Manager for a range of administrative tasks. We call this our ‘parent portal.’

Compass can be accessed using your unique username and password. Compass login information is distributed to all new families when your child is enrolled at Glengarry Primary School.

Compass will improve the level of communication regarding your child’s progress. It can be accessed via computer, tablets and smartphones. Search for ‘Compass School Manager’ in the App store. Please note to access the full range of reports and view complete data sets, you must login to a computer.