Before & After school care

At Glengarry Primary School, we are empowered learners and respectful community members who embrace challenge and celebrate growth

In 2 Learn Glengarry

- Outside School Hours Care

In 2 Learn Glengarry (I2L) provide a safe and secure environment for the care of school-aged children (5 – 12 years) through a structured and well-balanced program.

I2L is excited to be part of the Glengarry Community. We offer Before School Care and After School Care sessions. We are passionate about creating entertaining and educational programs for our children.

We create and deliver clever, customised collaborative services via a fun structured engaging program. Our program will challenge all to reach to higher aspirations and partner closely with the school community. Our communication and programs engage, collaborate and align with national guidelines to deliver a well-resourced and inclusive program reinforcing or extending the school curriculum.

In 2 Learn provides quality care for school aged children.

OSHC Philosophy

At In 2 Learn we believe that children should be exposed to unique opportunities to progress in their physical and emotional wellbeing.

Our aim is to create a warm, inviting atmosphere where children feel welcome and safe, a place where children can relax, have fun with their friends, make new friends and be empowered to shape and control their world; a place where they belong, a place that belongs to them.

All children are treated with gentleness, honesty and respect: all staff model this and encourage children to treat others in this manner.

OSHC Enrolment

All children using OSHC must be enrolled with the service prior to attending. An enrolment form must be completed by each family for each child and updated. Access to the enrolment form

OSHC Enrolment Options

We have two different booking types:

Fee Structure

Before School Care - (6:30am – 8:45am)

After School Care - (3:00pm - 6:00pm)

Service Contact

Juliana Arenas – Director